anyway for the past week it has been the final year exams. surprisingly it has passed by so fast. i didnt even manage to feel its prescene and now it is over alr. haha. cool eh? so for the past week i have been studying very hard to try to redeem myself. heres a reflection on each paper. first paper was LE paper 1. i found it rather manageable. but i didnt know wat got into me and i decided to write arguementative essay. perhaps it is because i was in a bitchy mood that day. so i gave up writing my narrative essay which i believe would have been better because my imagination can go wild again. haha. sad. so after essay was poem. omg! it was so funny. i felt like laughing during the poem la. dunno why but the way the poet pens down his poem was rather hilarious. but since it was a sad poem, i knew i had to get into the mood and feel sad. haha. so i managed to fill up 2 pages of answer. it was super little i guess. sigh. anyway alot of ppl stated that the mother died and all because of "jesus", but david chen had to ruin our happiness and say that the mother ran away wif another man. and that another man was "jesus". lol! slut la. i mean the woman. so that was about all for LE paper 1.
next paper was geog. while doin the paper, i felt super sian la. i dunno why but the feeling of sleeping hit me many times. the questions were boring and tricky. but some were easy. the paper passed by super fast lah. like 1hr 15 min only. haha. the pictures were super unclear so it affected many of us. bitches. haha. so geog paper was like that. i am very scared for it. later i wrote some disgusting things then die alr. haha. friday had HCL paper 1 first. i was very nervous for that paper cos i didnt understand the format. but it turned out quite ok. like for letter writing it is about telling ur friends some tips on how to make friends. LAME! haha. then for composition i chose to write on " a period of sadness"(translated like DUH). i wrote my grandmother die. whoops! haha. yeah i tot of doin that so as to touch the teacher marking my script and make her cry. then give me more marks! yeah. but it was rather sad la i think. haha. like this, HCL paper 1 passed and i think it was still alright.
on friday afternoon after maths remedial, went home to SLACK. was feeling rather glad because main papers were gone so i guess could slack for a afternoon. so relaxing. but on saturday went to elgyn's house to study. haha. er i guess it was rather un-productive. but still i manaed to study a few chinese words. sunday was the bomb la. i cleared alot of work and was feeling super glad. too bad. that was the exam weekends. haha. monday, continued wif papers and today was LE paper 2. omg! i think i did quite badly la. alot of my answers i anyhow guess one. because i am really very unsure of them. then the first question which was like the EASIEST i could get it wrong lah! oh no! super sad can. then vocabulary also didnt do well. summary was just anyhow crapping also. darn! pray that i can get good marks. left sch wif de rui and darrall but met up wif xuan yu, perry and yu fan on the way so joined them for lunch at S-11. after that went to elgyn'shouse again because i got dragged there to study. ok today was much better. managed to do alot. went home on the crowded bus and realised that my water bottle was left in school and i didnt bring it home. shit.
tuesday morning, studied last minute words then went for duty. exam started ad was feeling happy when i saw the words that i studied came out except 1. but still managed to get it right i guess. BUT... when i saw the other sections, i felt as though my heart was fed to the dogs. it was super tricky and difficult!!!! got hell lot of mistakes alr la. damn!!! my HCL! i dun think i can take next year la. screwed it up badly. just pray miracles would happen on me and save me from the gallows. was super sad la! ah ah ah. ok at least it ended. went for brunch at subway with yu nan, chiam, darrall and de rui. chatted alot. then went home wif chiam. we bought bomb bags! yay! super fun la. was pratically throwing down buildings and into neighbour's houses. haha. scare them! BOOM! so fun so fun. at least can destress. so i started studying till 12. then slept.
this morning! its the day! both papers were relatively easy but for paper 1 i didnt have time to do finish the last sentence of a question! so unfair la. BOO! still exams are over! yay! wat time is it? exams over time! haha. yeah so after PB meeting went home wif xuan yu then ate a little bit and watch the happening. so scary and freaky la. eeyer. haha. then bathe changed and left for tpy sakae. omg! i am super sick of sushi now la. at sakae we kept gorging ourselves. there was the buffet promotion, so we just kept ordering and eating like fat pigs la. haha. super full now! oh my! darn. haha. i will let the pictures do the talking then!

cool right?! so many pictures. haha. it was dead fun la. insulting waitresses, laughing at how xuan yu dunno what is fishcake and all! haha. super funny. so left the place feeling super full and all. really la. was like pregnant woman now. then went home and fell asleep. so that is all for this come-back post. haha. at least there is a new skin for everyone and new post to read. haha. anyway tmr goin to play badminton wif pros! yeah! haha. can play for fun and lose. alright thats all peeps. thanks for reading! good night! (:
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