i am super happy today! it is the end of term 3 MRs. usually i wouldnt be that glad after MRs but i was this week because it was super stressful. i had late nights everyday because i had to do project work report, project work ppt, bio-jounal report, bio-journal report, homework and revise for the test. it was really tiring. but now everything is over! escept a piling homework. i am super exhilarated! ok now is a review of the papers in this week.
we had speech writing. it was relatively easy because the questions were straight forward and easy to write about. i almost criticized china. haha. i still had abit of problems trying to process my thoughts to answer so i am not sure if i can do well for that paper.
this paper was also relatively easy because its straightforward with abit of thinking involved. i had a few mistakes but still it is easy and do-able. hope to get good marks!
this paper is a KILLA. real killa. it was hard, no time to finish, un-understandable and irritating. the passages given were very hard and there was totally no time to complete the paper at all. screwed it up and feeling super frustrated. so much for studying. hais. good luck martin!
it was quite difficult but still able to finish it. rushed thru the last portion due to time constraints. the questions were rather tricky and some were hard. overall i still managed to do it but am super unsure of getting good results. hope can at least get an A
alot of ppl say its hard but i found it ok even though i left some blanks. perhaps its because i am able to do all finish. even though i said its ok i think i might not get good results. hope i do coz i really need this marks to pull my overall up.
so today after sch went to watch "the dark knight" wif yu fan, kenneth tay and lim qian. the newspaper rating it 4.5 is really a good choice. the movie rocks and its super good. the plot was excellent. it has a sudden twist which makes it more i-want-to-watch. joker in the movie is a damn smart guy even though he looks retarded. he single-handedly turned the whole city upside dwn with just a few bombs. he recruits his ppl and afterwhich kills them. the city's hero was this man who caught many criminals and was very righteous but because of joker who killed his gf, turned the man into a criminal, which is two-faced, and killed many ppl. joker's strategies are really very x1000 good because it is damn smart and also exciting. he does it all by himself wif a little help only. you all should really catch the show. REALLY. its damn good.
examples of two of his great plots: he was caught by batman once and was put into questioning by batman himself. because of two ppl who were kept hostage, batman and other police have to leave to save them. another policman was put in charge of the joker. to escape, joker aigitated the man until he was super angry and when the guy got close to him, he immediately snatched a piece of glass and took the policeman as hostage. when he went out of the questioning room, all the other policeman wanted to shoot him but using a phone, he activated a bomb which was inside the stomach of his helper. the whole police station got bombed and he escaped.
example two: because of his threats, the whole city tried to evacuate via ships but joker being super ultra smart, place bombs and the remote to activate them in both ships goin. in one ships contains all the prisoners while the other contains innocent ppl. his plot was that in both ships, contain bombs and oil tanks which could kill everyone in the ship. the remote control was to activate the other ship's bombs. so both ships had each other's remote control. also, joker cut off the phone line of the ships so they could not communicate wif each other. there were given 15 minutes to decide and by 15 mins, if no ship is bombed, joker would bomb both the ships. isn't he just great?
there are many many more plots that joker had but this is just 2. this movie has cool gadgets, cool scene and cool actors. also batman is HOT. haha! i rate it 5/5. so thats bout all. time to enjoy my post-exam relaxation. also i got a new creative zen moziac! yayies! alright then, tata!
creative zen moziac. mines the silver one.

the joker. devious but ugly.

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