yesterday was really an eventful la. i received two paper's results and was disappointed bout it. they are LE paper 1's poetry and science paper. i did not live up to my own expectations. very disappointing. and alot of people did well for those papers making me one of the bottom few. sad la! anyway so i returned to school and saw wat had happened to it. super hilarious can! alot of stuff around causing the school to look like it is just another block from the ghetto. yeah even the dear "bath tub" had detergent overflow la. very saddening ok. the innocent "babies" bathing inside the "bath tub" were killed by the detergent. and heard they died a tragic death. i mean it is like those "babies" were innocent and yet they have to die, leaving a mess of the "bath tub".
gross la those murderers. i dun see why they have to do it. no point right. if u wan to attack, then do it properly and not in such a unscrupulous method. shameless. ya so the whole day practically didnt have any lesson. just went thru those 2 scripts which were disappointing and got even more de-moralised by yuan lao shi and her put-ppl-down speech. haha. anyway i seriously hate P.T la. she is super biased and gross. her class, which was supposed to be the not-so-good one, got 2 failures and the highest in level. whereas all of D.C's classes had 14 and 20 failures respectively. biased? YES! so cheap can. make herself look better so she can get her desired rewards.
anyway yesterday they gave out the sec 3 combination options form. i was super freaked out can. i really dunno wat to choose. haha. so i decided to sought u all for help! below is some choices of combination i wan to take. pls advise me and vote on the tagboard.
survey 1
a) triple science
b) double science - bio/chem
c) double science - phy/chem
survey 2
a) pure history - elect E.Lit
b) pure E.Lit - elect history
c) art - elect history
d) art - elect E.Lit
yeah so it is kinda simple right? all u have to do is to go to the tagboard and type in like "ab" or "aa" if u wan me to take triple science, pure history and elect E.Lit. get it? pls help me out wif this! pls kay! (: i really wanna take art because it is something special and fun to do i guess. hais. really stuck in difficulty. ya as i mentioned in my last post, i said that i will show u readers pictures of the two "HOT" guys in action playing badminton so here they are. their rackets cant be seen but still it is evident of their cool poses. haha. there is also a picture of my current artwork so pls comment on it too! thanks guys and enjoy the weekend! (:

colour coded!

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