i found this test on yu fan's blog and decided to try doin it. it about my personality one i think.
The Part of You That No One Sees |
![]() You have an outrageous personality... And you secretly resent anyone who makes you tone it down. Underneath it all, you are driven by your need for attention and acceptance. You need to feel special at all times. You are secretly jealous and occasionally insecure. |
i find it totally true in whatever it says. dun u think so? but ya i am kinda dangerous. also i did on this male and female one but i dun dare to post this here because of the results. haha. shocking indeed.
anyway i am super lazy to update on my past life. so too bad. just go yu fan's blog and i think u can see wats goin on. today had co practise from 9 - 11. haha. mr lee came late ya. then after that played alot of volleyball and badminton. super fun! before co started, i played and when i tried catching the ball wif my leg, i stepped on it and slipped causing myself to do half a split. it was super pain la. ouch! then while playing badminton, fergus HAD TO smash so i moved backwards to catch then because it was raining,i tripped over the scouts metal thingy and landed flat on the floor. ouch! it was super pain again. like fell flat la. so cursed.
recently got into this craze of watching <<少年杨家将>>. haha. this show has pretty girls and hot guys and the plot is super nice. like war and all. even though it is very cheena. but still 5/5 stars rated. a MUST see!
the poster!

the sixth son's wife. so pretty and cool.

when they were at war.

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