today was just a perfect day. the weather was gloomy and cold making me not sweat at all which feels darn good! yay! so lessons were as not just rather sleepy because of the late night i had the night b4 due to my stupid computer!!! ok so after sch went to do CIP which was to give out flyers regarding breastfeeding. it is totally wat the hell can? like theres a picture of a baby sucking the mum's boobs. haha. because i am so smart *waves hands wif a big grin on face*, i went to serangoon to meet up wif matthew so that he can help me. unlike those stupid ppl who in a big grp and give our flyers trying to snatch each others business. LAME.
so when i reached serangoon, i met up wif matt and together we went to the nearby blocks and stuff the flyers into ppl's letter box. i also gave to stall aunties, market aunties, young girls, and practically just block their way if they dun wanna take. haha. so within 10 - 15 min, my flyers were finished! yay! it was rather fun and funny since i encountered so many weird incidents. after the flyers, i went to have lunch and catch up. alright recently i am super INTO volleyball! yay! i wanna play it everyday la. haha. wont get bored. ok thats all. bb!
p.s picture of a B-E-A-UTIFUL volleyball!

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