oh my those 3 days are such fun days! yay! firstly friday was be-urself-day may a.b.k.a as wear-ur-home-clothes-day because on that day everyone came in their own home clothes. no one came in costume. like if u are a slut u shld come in slutty clothes but no one did. but still it was fun. i love wearing PB shirt to do duty. so official! during P.E, the whole 2-8 lazy to change so we went for P.E in our own clothes. in the end, adrian tay was like " i give u all 3 mins to change. GO!!!" so we all rushed up chanting "GO.GO.GO" super funny la.
after school many ppl left. i was designing the board and the banners for the stall. so fun la. but i dirtied the floor coz i forgotten to put newspaper. shit la. i felt so busy and it was seriously fun! after helping out class stall which was like ard 6, i went to help CO. also very fun but i was by then super tired. coz the whole day i was DRAWING octopus, SEEING octopus, WRITING octopus and PRINTING octopus. i had enuff of them la. then while drawing out the CO words, i drew a octopus pontianak. i hate octopuses!
when CO helping out ended, we played volleyball wif the small plastic bag. very fun la. u get hot by it 10 times anyway on ur body also not pain! thats the cool thing. left for dinner after that then went to NTUC to get food for the next day. saw the fat and gross lab technician wif an NCC AIR guy. then the NCC AIR guy like buying drinks and snacks to go to the lab technician;s house for some *ahem*!
the next day which was saturday was super hectic. mainly it was just:
1) decorated stall
2)squeezed mayo-niece
3)squeezed terriyaki sauce
4)put fish flakes
5)get dirty
7)sell drinks for CO
8)have fun
9)do fun fair stuff
10)bought 2 male and 10 female fighting fish!
yup thats bout all. plus other nitty-gritty la. dun have to say. but when i reached home i was beat!
yup thats bout all. plus other nitty-gritty la. dun have to say. but when i reached home i was beat!
alright. now for picture updates. on sunday went to henderson park to cross the bridge and go up the terrace garden. went wif my family. it was super fun! we took alot of pictures especially me and my sis! haha. let the pics do the talking!
introuduction to henderson waves by two sexies!
introuduction to henderson waves by two sexies!
tan family! ROAR! except the oldest brother la.
aww.... shes my sister la!
i love this picture too! so innocent... lala.
toot image 1!
toot image 2!
ok thats bout all. actually i still have many x10 pictures but i scared later u guys get bored. haha. this post took me 3 days can! so pls appreciate!
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