Friday, May 2, 2008

hello everyone!
today has been an eventful day for me it marks the end of the MYEs. anyway today had maths paper. i lost 9 innocent marksdue to plain stupidity. sad! so carried on with lessons as per normal. after school had CO. realised that SC was firing many people. unfortunately some of my well-like friendswere fired. sad! carried om with CO. it was plain boring. after CO played badminton with yu fan, xuan ming, jason, cheng jun and yu nan at primary school parade square. fun! did my speciality E-MEI ELEGANCE BADMINTON SKILLS. after that at 7.30, went back to outside CO room to continue playing.
a while later, elgyn and yueng kai joined as so while xuan ming continued playing. we 3 were gossiping and bitching. in the mean time. yu fan and xuan yu were going for dinner also. so left for hong hu express fordinner. left with xuan ming. elgyn and myself. had dinner then chatted quite abit. that was when i hit by lots of information. too much for me to digest. mainly all is bad. i really gotta settle this. anyway bus home wif xuan ming and waited with him for his bus then i went home.
ok now i got more reasons to blog because i have a new skin which i LOVE and i also have a new laptop which i can call mmine and i also LOVE it. haha. ok the next week onwards would be hetic important dates to note:
5/5/08 - musical rehearsals
6/5/08 - musical rehearsals
7/5/08 - musical rehearsals
8/5/08 - last full dress rehearsals.
9/5/08 - musicals actual performance
10/5/08 - musicals actual performance
14/5/08 - SLB investiture
16 - 17/5/08 - PB get-to-know-you camp
20/5/08 - CO final rehearsals
21/5/08 - CO concert.
ok so thats all for today. if you still want to purchase tickets for the concert pls inform me soon. thanks!

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